MetOcean Contract for Royal Australian Navy

Dartmouth, NS, Canada (January 28, 2014)
MetOceanData Systems (“MetOcean”) is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a multi-year contract for the provision of Self-Locating Datum Marker Buoys (SLDMB) for theRoyal Australian Navy (RAN).
“We welcome the opportunity to work with RAN and assist with its global Search and Rescue (SAR) initiative. MetOcean’sthird-generation SLDMB, the iSLDMB, is a reliable and proven instrument utilized by all of the major coast guards and navies of the world,” said Laura Squires, MetOcean Sales and Marketing.
MetOcean developed the first-generation SLDMBs more than two decades ago. MetOcean SLDMBs continue to be utilized around the world by SAR Organizations, Oceanographic Institutes, environmental agencies, Navies, and Oil and Gas companies. The iSLDMB is an A-SizeIridium SLDMB that has been extensively tested to meet the stringent requirements of the SAR community. The iSLDMB conforms to NATO specifications, is equipped with real-time, bi-directional Iridium satellite telemetry, making theiSLDMB a truly valuable SAR tool.
RAN is the naval branch of the Australian Defence Force (ADF). Following the Federation of Australia in 1901, the ships and resources of the separate colonial navies were integrated into a national force: the Commonwealth Naval Forces. Originally intended for local defence, the navy was granted the title of ‘Royal Australian Navy’ in 1911 and became increasingly responsible for the defence of the region.
MetOcean designs and produces state-of-the-art data acquisition and remote telemetry systems. Established in 1985, MetOcean has been a global leader in integrated systems used for real-time monitoring and has developed niche markets to support a wide array of scientific, private, and commercial applications.
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