Team KUROSHIO Advances to Round 1 of the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE

We are very excited that Team KUROSHIO has advanced to Round 1 of the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE. Their unmanned vehicle uses a MetOcean Telematics iBCN, an Iridium Satellite Beacon utilized to help track and locate their assets as they map the ocean floor up to a 4000m depth. They are the only team in Japan to advance in the competition and we are proud to support them in this competition. Click here for more information on Team KUROSHIO.
The iBCN is the next-generation of MetOcean Telematics’ NOVATECH™ Iridium satellite beacons, designed for tracking and locating your assets up to full ocean depth (12,000m). Click here for more information on the iBCN.
The Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE is a $7 million global competition challenging teams to push the boundaries of ocean technologies by creating solutions that advance the autonomy, scale, speed, depths and resolution of ocean exploration.
The success of this prize will allow the exploration and mapping of the ocean floor and uncover our planets greatest wonder and resource for the benefit of humanity. Click here for more information on the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE.