NOVATECH Mini Locator Beacons Receive FCC Approval

Dartmouth, Nova Scotia (June 28th, 2013)
MetOcean is pleased to announce the FCC approval of the NOVATECH mini locator and recovery beacons by the United States Federal Communications Commission.
FCC approval and the FCC marking is a certification mark employed on electronic products manufactured or sold in the United States which certifies that the electromagnetic interference from the device is under limits approved by the Federal Communications Commission. This makes the FCC label recognizable worldwide. NOVATECH beacons are the only asset locator and recovery beacon solution to have received the FCC recognized certification.
“We could not be more pleased with this FCC certification. The United States joins a growing list of countries that recognize the quality and reliability of the NOVATECH beacons. We pride ourselves on providing a superior product and this is simply another step towards our commitment to our clients,” said Robyn Bremner, Sales & Marketing | NOVATECH Beacons & Flashers.
The NOVATECH product line of satellite and radio beacons, as well as xenon flashers, are used in a wide variety of submersible and surface applications. During submersible applications the beacons are attached to underwater equipment such as ROVs, AUVs, mooring systems, and scientific equipment. When the equipment returns to the surface, the beacon and xenon flasher deploy automatically to provide a signal and an intense flashing light to assist in the asset recovery. During surface applications they are used for search and rescue, drifter studies, equipment location, and alerting applications.
MetOcean designs and manufactures drifting buoys, environmental platforms, and the world renowned NOVATECH location and recovery locator beacons. For additional information on MetOcean’s products, please visit: