MetOcean Acquires Hiddentec Group

Dartmouth, Nova Scotia (August 2, 2022) MetOcean Telematics (MetOcean) is pleased to announce the acquisition of the Hiddentec Group of Companies (Hiddentec), a long-standing designer and manufacturer of highly advanced tracking equipment based in the Netherlands (NL), United Kingdom (UK) and United States of America (USA). The acquisition includes the complete portfolio of Hiddentec GSM/RF GPS security and tracking equipment.

Hiddentec develops, designs and manufactures completely secure, stand-alone, impenetrable, tracking solutions; including hardware items and control software. In addition to a new range of hardware offerings, Hiddentec’s software has recently been revamped to include a wide array of new features designed to improve and streamline users’ tracking experience, and provide additional layers of security to the system. MetOcean is excited to add Hiddentec’s advanced GPS tracking technology to our suite of Security products as we continue to ensure the success of our clients in the security sphere.
MetOcean’s Security business and product portfolio continues to evolve and grow, we are delighted to now have the opportunity to work with the Hiddentec team. The acquisition brings more than three decades of global experience into MetOcean. — Tony Chedrawy, CEO MetOcean Telematics.
Hiddentec systems are in use in over 50 countries at the highest levels of operation by intelligence services, government agencies, police forces and high-end Blue Chip corporations. In 2012, the company was awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise: International Trade; the highest honour a British company can receive.
MetOcean Telematics corporate headquarters, including the research and development and production facilities, are in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. The company develops and manufactures state-of-the-art data acquisition and end-to-end telematics solutions, with a focus on niche MetOcean solutions and custom Defense and Security products. As a prominent global Iridium Satellite Value-Added Reseller focused on hardware solutions, data services, and support, MetOcean Telematics is a leader in the satellite communications industry.
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Media Contact
Emily MacPherson
Director Marketing & Communication